Event Object Interest | 2011 Home Run Derby

The 2011 Home Run Derby sponsored by State Farm was held in Phoenix, Arizona, at Chase Field on July 11th, 2011, we tracked the conversation relating to various sponsors, players, and brands.

Twitter chatter tracked From 7:00pm – 8:30pm MST/PST or 10:00pm – 11:30pm EST

Shown below is the quantity of messages on twitter or “tweets” during the 2011 Home Run Derby with the corresponding time-frames:

During the Home Run Derby, a close up view of the Pepsi Booth Area showed a Santa Claus figure in the middle. The following represents the unintentional attention received through twitter:

Around 8:10 PM Robbie Cano won the Home Run Derby event increasing the twitter chatter significantly within a half hour time-frame shown below:


If we look at the numbers we can summarize that even though State Farm was the main sponsor, the twitter comments only numbered 216. While the Holiday Inn tweets only numbered 174, this doesn’t detract from the fact that these companies generated additional Brand Interest which was at a lower level prior to this event. The following is from an article on thebiglead.com stating, “Thanks to the 106 balls that sailed into the seats during the 2011 State Farm Home Run Derby at Chase Field, including 11 gold balls, State Farm and MLB will donate more than $600,000 to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and other charities. While Pepsi generated attention because of a Santa Claus look-alike in July lounging in the middle of their sponsored area. Posts such as:

DSawka: Santa drinks coke, not pepsi… #HRDerby

Alexledoux: Why is #santa drinking Pepsi

Sheltocc17: Santa is at the home run derby sittin in the Pepsi Section! Lol

were just a few of the many comments generated from that scene.

The Home Run Derby was a big success bringing together people around the US to watch an important part of our culture, while highlighting the importance of family, athletics, and out of the ordinary antics. At the same time raising money for charity which will help a lot of young kids & teens around the country.


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